You can see the sun at two different positions. Ghosting changes with the position of the sun. Sometimes even the shape of the sun star depends a little bit on the position of the sun.
Specifications: Canon EOS 3 or Pentax MZ-M, Fuji Sensia 100, f/16.
The digital images show the crop of a APS-C sensor with a crop factor 1,6. For comparison the 36 mm x 24 mm full frame is shown.
As you can see it is easier to get a nice sun star on film than on the chip of a digital camera.
Specifications: Canon EOS 20D, f/16, 1/160 s left, 1/320 s right.
In Ken Rockwells tests you can find an image including the
sun star of the Zenit Zenitar 2.8/16. It's less regularly shaped than the suns stars of Zeiss, Nikon und Pentax.